Thank you for supporting our School Growth fund. We are now adding a K-2 teacher.
If you would like to fulfill or pledge follow these instructions.
If you would like to donate online go here.
Food City School Bucks – We are still collecting Box Tops. Please place them either in Joli LaRoche's mailbox or in the collection box in the nursery. Please continue to pray for our school board and the students God has in mind to attend.
At the cash register, have the cashier scan this barcode along with your Food City ValuCard. This will automatically link the two together, which means you only need to scan this barcode one time. Our school PLU is 40600 which can be entered at the cash register by the cashier in lieu of scanning barcode.
You may also register our school with your ValuCard online by visiting
Shop with Amazon to earn money for our school at no cost to you!
The AmazonSmile Foundation will donate 0.5% to our school of your purchase price of eligible products. AmazonSmile has the same website and is run by AmazonSmile has the the same products, prices, and shopping features as It is the same experience with the added benefit of a donation to our school!
To sign up go to AmazonSmile, and login with your Amazon user name and password. Then select Lighthouse Christian Academy in Morristown, TN.
Just login to AmazonSmile each time and Amazon will remember our school. Every eligible purchase you make at will result in a donation to our school by the AmazonSmile Foundation.